- Tbilisi, 6th District Digomi 5a
- Tbilisi, Chavchavadze Avenue 62
About 25% of adults over the age of 50 and about half of people over the age of 80 have difficulties with hearing. Despite the fact that hearing impairment usually occurs with age this problem can affect anyone including children. If you notice that your hearing has become worse, do not delay a visit to a specialist. Experienced otorhinolaryngologists of Silk Medical Clinic will conduct a hearing test using a highly informative technique — audiometry.
You may have hearing problems if:
- you increase the volume when watching videos or listening to music
- you often lose the thread of a conversation because you don’t hear the interlocutor well
- you are trying to “read” lips
- it’s hard for you to perceive speech in ambient noise
- you do not hear the interlocutor well on the phone
Audiometry is a test of hearing acuity and diagnostics of auditory sensitivity to sound waves of various frequencies.
Among the indications for audiometry are the following:
- hearing impairment
- tinnitus
- chronic diseases of the ear
- traumatic brain injury
- selection of a hearing aid
- regular exposure to loud sounds
- a ruptured eardrum
- heredity, birth defects
Audiometry in our clinic is a safe and painless procedure that does not require prior preparation. We conduct research with the help of an expert audiometer BELL (Inventis, Italy), which allows you to perform diagnostics quickly and with high accuracy. The device makes it possible to determine both air conduction that is the functioning of the entire auditory tract, and bone conduction — the functioning of the inner ear.
The procedure takes place in an office with good sound insulation. To determine the threshold of audibility, the doctor will offer to listen to sounds of a certain frequency and intensity in headphones. To assess bone conduction special sensors are used that transmit vibration. When you hear a sound or feel a vibration you will need to press the button.
Based on the results of the diagnosis, the ENT will make a diagnosis and select an individual treatment regimen. Timely detection of hearing problems will help to avoid the progression of hearing loss and return you to a high quality of life. We are waiting for you to the reception!