Embryo transfer can take place in a «fresh» cycle after the puncture or in a cryoprotocol. Cryotop vitrification, a rapid freeze technology, has been in use since 2000. High-quality embryos safely carry it out and the percentage of successful thawing is very high. Reproductologists around the world are increasingly segmenting IVF programs without indications, immediately offering patients « to go cryo» without trying to transfer in the «fresh» cycle. It relates to the effectiveness – the body has time to rest, recover and reacts better to the preparation for the transfer.
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Tbilisi, Digomi
Tbilisi, Vake
Tbilisi, Uznadze
Mo-Fr 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Sa-Su 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Service fee:
*Non public offer according to Article 329 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Georgia

Indications for "Cryoprotocol":
Unsuccessful fresh transfer, but vitrified embryos are saved
The transfer in the "fresh" cycle was postponed – for medical reasons or for PGT
After a successful IVF, the couple decided to have one more child
- Examination
- Medications for endometrial preparation + growth monitoring
- Thawing of an embryo
- Assisted hatching
- Transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity
- Stay in a day hospital after after transfer (30 minutes)
Make an appointment to see a specialist
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