IVF Department

Modern approach to the treatment of reproductive problems
If during the year of regular sexual life there is no pregnancy the case is about infertility. Do not be afraid of this diagnosis, it is not an issue. SILK Medical reproductologists will be with you from planning to conception, making this process as professional, safe and comfortable as possible.
We have an international team of reproductologists and embryologists, this inspires the progress – comparing experience and results, we choose the most effective methods to achieve pregnancy.
Modern equipment helps our specialists to achieve excellent results. Moreover, Silk Medical is the first clinic in the Transcaucasus with the IVFID Witness system, which completely eliminates the risk of confusing biological material in the embryological laboratory.
EmbryoScope is the latest generation incubator for embryo cultivation, equipped with an artificial intelligence module and a frame-by-frame imaging system for embryo selection.

- Treatment of male and female infertility
- IVF, ICSI programmes
- Genetic testing in IVF programmes
- Involvement of donor material and surrogate mothers
We offer our patients all kinds of highly specialized care to achieve pregnancy: stimulation of ovulation, insemination and IVF. We carry out all currently known IVF protocols, preferring to use gentle stimulation schemes. Each SILK Medical procedure is based on a case-by-case approach. It is reflected in prescriptions at the stage of preparation, examination, selection of medication.
Even with serious causes of infertility (polycystic ovarian syndrome, myoma, endometriosis, endocrine disorders, male factor, reduced ovarian reserve, etc.) our team achieves excellent program performance.
You can be sure that nothing threatens the health of your future child because we offer preimplantation diagnostics by all available methods (aCGH, NGS).
Comfort and tact
IVF programs
Each IVF procedure performed by at SILK Medical is based on an individualized approach to the specific treatment case.
It is reflected in the prescriptions at the stage of preparation, examination, choice of drugs.

Artificial insemination
Artificial, also known as intrauterine insemination is a method at the junction of traditional and modern reproductive technologies. reproductive technologies.
Insemination can take place either in a natural cycle, It can also be a hormonal stimulation method. Fertilization Fertilization is carried out with the sperm of a partner or a donor.

Embryo PGT
Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is done to determine the presence or absence of chromosomal abnormalities in embryos.
Embryo screening may be recommended for all Couples with the goal of reducing the number of attempts and increase the efficiency of the IVF procedure to 69.1%.
Donor programs
Donor oocytes greatly increase the chances of embryo implantation and successful pregnancy.
SILK Medical offers IVF programs with vitrified and native donor oocytes.


Silk Medical is the first clinic in Transcaucasia with the IVFID Witness system
- 25.08.2022