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Tbilisi, Digomi
Tbilisi, Vake
Tbilisi, Uznadze
Mo-Fr 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Sa-Su 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
We care about your comfort
Solve health problems without leaving home
In case of health issues, any day of the week, house call a therapist, pediatrician or doctor with mobile ultrasound examination equipment.
A gentle approach to your health
Full range of medical services in one place
Multidisciplinary medical center, combining modern technology, years of experience of doctors and cozy atmosphere to create all conditions for successful treatment.
A bright outlook
The ophthalmology office has opened
Make an appointment for a complete eye exam at Silk Medical with our experienced ophthalmologists
We care about your comfort
Solve health problems without leaving home
In case of health issues, any day of the week, house call a therapist, pediatrician or doctor with mobile ultrasound examination equipment.
For women
For men
For kids
For women
Checkup for couples
Going through diagnostics together is cheaper! If you and your partner want to understand general state of your bodies, then this checkup is for you two. After some tests, you will know the current state of your bodies and you will receive all the necessary recommendations for the prevention of chronic diseases from your general physician.
Cardiovascular checkup
If you are interested in the state of your cardiovascular system or you already have heart disease or high blood pressure, then this checkup is for you. It includes all the necessary examinations to assess your cardiovascular risks.
Checkup for women over 50 years
After 50 years many of genetic chronic illnesses start appearing and our body become vulnerable to external factors. This checkup has been created to keep you informed about health changes and to help you start treatment as soon as possible.
Checkup for women under 50 years
If you want to check your health, but you do not know what to do, this checkup has been created for you. After some tests, you will know your health status and receive specialists’ recommendations.
If you regularly check your health and you want just to understand general state of your body, basic checkup has been created for you. After some tests, you will know the current state of your body and you will receive all the necessary recommendations for the prevention of chronic diseases from your general physician.
Ultrasound examination
Ultrasound allows doctors to visualize internal organs to detect pathologies, assess the condition of tissues and organs, as well as monitor the development of the fetus
Vaccination is a powerful tool in keeping you and those around you healthy. At our clinic, we offer a wide range of adult vaccines to help you maintain immunity and reduce risk of disease
Lab tests
At SILK Medical in Tbilisi, we perform all types of tests available in Georgia to provide you with the most up-to-date health information
Therapist’s appointment
The therapist is the most multi-profile specialist. The therapist can assess the symptoms and severity of the patient’s condition, conduct the necessary examination to determine the final diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.
Consultation with a gastroenterologist
A gastroenterologist is a specialist who diagnoses and treats diseases of the digestive system
Ophthalmologist Consultation
Vision is one of the key aspects of our life, and it is difficult to enjoy the world without it. Experienced ophthalmologists of SILK Medical in Tbilisi will help you keep your eyes healthy.
Gynecological consultation
It is recommended to visit the main specialist in women's health when the first complaints appear, and in case of their absence – to undergo preventive check-ups 1-2 times a year.
For men
Checkup for couples
Going through diagnostics together is cheaper! If you and your partner want to understand general state of your bodies, then this checkup is for you two. After some tests, you will know the current state of your bodies and you will receive all the necessary recommendations for the prevention of chronic diseases from your general physician.
Cardiovascular checkup
If you are interested in the state of your cardiovascular system or you already have heart disease or high blood pressure, then this checkup is for you. It includes all the necessary examinations to assess your cardiovascular risks.
After 50 years many of genetic chronic illnesses start appearing and our body become vulnerable to external factors. This checkup has been created to keep you informed about health changes and to help you start treatment as soon as possible.
If you want to check your health, but you do not know what to do, this checkup has been created for you. After some tests, you will know your health status and receive specialists’ recommendations.
If you regularly check your health and you want just to understand general state of your body, basic checkup has been created for you. After some tests, you will know the current state of your body and you will receive all the necessary recommendations for the prevention of chronic diseases from your general physician.
Ultrasound examination
Ultrasound allows doctors to visualize internal organs to detect pathologies, assess the condition of tissues and organs, as well as monitor the development of the fetus
Vaccination is a powerful tool in keeping you and those around you healthy. At our clinic, we offer a wide range of adult vaccines to help you maintain immunity and reduce risk of disease
Lab tests
At SILK Medical in Tbilisi, we perform all types of tests available in Georgia to provide you with the most up-to-date health information
Therapist’s appointment
The therapist is the most multi-profile specialist. The therapist can assess the symptoms and severity of the patient’s condition, conduct the necessary examination to determine the final diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.
Consultation with a gastroenterologist
A gastroenterologist is a specialist who diagnoses and treats diseases of the digestive system
Ophthalmologist Consultation
Vision is one of the key aspects of our life, and it is difficult to enjoy the world without it. Experienced ophthalmologists of SILK Medical in Tbilisi will help you keep your eyes healthy.
Consultation of an urologist
An urologist is a specialist doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents diseases of the urinary system.
For kids
Pediatric gynecology
At the SILK Medical Сlinic, we have a delicate approach considering our little patients. A pediatric gynecologist conducts routine examinations, diagnoses, and helps with the treatment of various gynecological diseases in infants, children, and adolescents.
Pediatrician’s consultation
SILK Medical takes care of the child's health from the first days of life. Experienced pediatricians conduct preventive examinations, diagnostics and treatment while try to find a common language with every little patient.
Pediatric orthopedist
At SILK Medical, we are pleased to offer you the services of an experienced pediatric orthopedist who will gladly take care of the health of the musculoskeletal system of young patients
Pediatric endocrinologist
At the paediatric department of SILK Medical Clinic in Tbilisi, you can make an appointment with a pediatric endocrinologist. This specialist deals with endocrine system pathologies in patients from birth to 18 years of age
Pediatric gastroenterologist
Детский гастроэнтеролог занимается диагностикой, лечением и профилактикой заболеваний желудочно-кишечного тракта у пациентов от рождения до совершеннолетия
Pediatric dermatologist
At the SILK Medical Clinic in Tbilisi, there are experienced pediatric dermatologists. They specialise in skin, hair and nail diseases in children aged seven
Lab tests
At SILK Medical in Tbilisi, we perform all types of tests available in Georgia to provide you with the most up-to-date health information
Ophthalmologist Consultation
Vision is one of the key aspects of our life, and it is difficult to enjoy the world without it. Experienced ophthalmologists of SILK Medical in Tbilisi will help you keep your eyes healthy.
Consultation of a neurologist
At the initial consultation, the neurologist will listen to you, paying attention to the nature and intensity of symptoms, the time of their appearance, the treatment measures taken and their effectiveness
Complete eye exam
A complete eye examination is an important step in taking care of your overall health. At SILK Medical Clinic in Tbilisi, you will receive the highest standard of medical care, and examination results and recommendations from an ophthalmologist immediately after your appointment.
Treatment of otitis
Otitis is a common disease that occurs primarily in children, but can also affect adults.
Ultrasound for children
Ultrasound is a valuable diagnostic method in pediatrics. It helps to identify many diseases in the early stages, often even before the first symptoms appear.
About our center
SILK Medical is a multidisciplinary medical center that combines state-of-the-art technology, years of medical experience and a cozy atmosphere to create all the conditions for successful treatment.
SILK Medical is the only clinic in Georgia that owns the biological material identification IvfID Witness system and the newest generation artificial intelligence EmbryoScope incubator with a built-in camera.
IVF programs are ready to offer you a fertility doctor
spermograms per month are analyzed by an embryologist
ultrasound examinations are performed monthly
donor oocytes are available in IVF programs



















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Why we are trusted

SILK Medical has combined the latest medical knowledge, state-of-the-art equipment and our experienced specialists to make your dream of having a baby come true.

Comfortable conditions, assistance and support at every stage of treatment for patients from other cities and countries.

Additional support due to the availability of a donor bank and full surrogacy support.

A gentle and comprehensive approach combined with an effective solution to any health problem.

Make an appointment to see a specialist
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Leading specialists